Trukmė | Kalba | Miestas | Kaina | Datos | Registacija |
5 dienos | lietuvių - english | - | 1500 Eur | - | Teirautis |
Datos | - |
Trukmė | 5 dienos |
Kalba | lietuvių - english |
Miestas | - |
Kaina | 1500 Eur |
Teirautis |
In this course, students will learn how to support and configure Windows desktops in an organizational environment. Students will develop skills that include learning how to install, customize, and update Windows 10 and later operating systems. Students will learn how to managing storage, files, and devices as well as how to configure network connectivity for Windows. Students will also learn how to secure the Windows OS and protect the data on the device. Finally, students will learn how to manage and troubleshoot Windows clients.

Maksim Kirilov – MCT | MCP | MCSA Windows Server 2008, 2012, 2016 |MCSA Windows 7, 8, 10 |ITIL.
Maksim – aukščiausio lygio Microsoft (Windows Server & Active Directory Engineer) technologijų ekspertas, dirbantis IT srityje daugiau nei 14 metų. Maksim visuomet siekia asmeninio tobulėjimo, vadovaujasi požiūriu, kad IT ne tik darbas, bet ir gyvenimo aistra. Savo sukauptomis žiniomis lektorius aktyviai dalinasi su studentais. Jo vedami mokymai paremti praktika, lektorius stengiasi atkreipti dėmesį į kiekvieno dalyvio poreikį, aktyviai diskutuoja, atsako į iškilusius klausimus. Maksim yra ypač gerai vertinamas studentų, dalinamės tik keletu iš daugelio puikių atsiliepimų apie jį:
„Jaučiasi dėstytojo svari kompetencija dėstomo dalyko. Dėstytojas įtraukia mokymo grupę į dėstymo/mokymo temas. Taip pasiekiamas įdomesnis mokymasis. Per 5 dienas pasiektas labai produktyvus rezultatas, jaučiu didelį progresą.“ – Lukas M.
„Labai gerai perteikta mokymų informacija. Moduliai ir pertraukos sudėliotos taip, kad nepervargti. Žinių bagažas nerealus, klausimai atsakomi iki smulkmenų. Puikiai susisteminta informacija.“ – Simonas P.
Kursai skirti
Candidates for this exam are IT professionals who perform installation, configuration, general local management and maintenance of Windows 10 and later core services. Candidates may also be familiar with enterprise scenarios and cloud-integrated services.
Kurso nauda
After completing this course, learners should be able to:
- Install and customize Windows clients.
- Configure Updates for Windows.
- Configure devices and drivers for Windows.
- Configure storage for Windows.
- Configure network and remote management settings in Windows.
- Configure and manage browsers and applications in Windows.
- Configure account access and authentication.
- Configure file and folder permissions.
- Describe methods for securing Windows client, common threats and methods for mitigating against them.
- Troubleshoot Windows and application installations.
- Troubleshoot hardware and driver issues.
- Troubleshoot file issues and perform recoveries.
- Installing Windows
- Configuring Authorization & Authentication
- Post-installation Configuration and Personalization
- Updating Windows
- Configuring Networking
- Configuring Storage
- Configuring Data Access and Usage
- Managing Apps in Windows Client
- Configuring Threat Protection and Advanced Security
- Supporting the Windows Client Environment
- Troubleshooting Files & Applications
- Troubleshooting the OS
- Troubleshooting Hardware and Drivers
Reikalavimai klausytojams
- Basic understanding of computer networks and hardware concepts.
- Basic understanding of OS and Application concepts.
- Experience with using the Windows OS.